Farway Common Airfield is operated by Farway Common Airfield Limited. PPR is required via the Online PPR link above.
Please feel free to call us on 01535 597535 or 07802 644280 to clarify any information.
N50°44.15 W003°11.46
Garmin Waypoint: FAR1
771' AMSL
Farway Radio: 120.310
If unattended, please make blind radio calls.
Exeter Approach: 128.980
Farway Common now operates under a Letter of Agreement with Border Force which allows departures and arrivals to countries outside of the UK. This is provided that PPR has been obtained and the appropriate GAR and flight plan have been lodged.
Exeter (EGTE)
Dunkeswell (EGTU)
2x Runways 550m long, Runway 10/28 also has an extension section. All circuits to the North and East.
Runway 28/36 - Right hand circuit
Runway 10/18 - Left hand circuit
Short & Soft Field Procedures are required at all times. Please do not taxi or turn off the runways into long grass - due to recent drainage works there are various hidden ruts etc that may damage your aircraft.
All flying activities are solely at the Pilots risk.
Farway Common sits beneath the ILS approach for Exeter Airport, stay beneath 1500' QNH on the approach/departure to/from Farway. You can obtain Exeter ATIS on 119.330 from 15-20 miles from Exeter, then speak to Exeter Radar on the confirmed frequencies. This is usually 128.980, but at busy periods the ATIS will confirm 2 frequencies, 128.980 for aircraft north of the Exeter 08/26 centreline, aircraft south of the centreline should use 123.580. When within 10NM of Farway Common, request a frequency change to Farway Radio on 120.310. If the radio is unattended, please make blind calls on route and into the circuit. Farway Common is just south of the ILS approach to 26, so please be aware and avoid crossing the centreline especially over 1500 feet on the QNH and within 10 miles of Exeter (unless you are in contact with Exeter Radar).
Exeter ATIS is also available on Tel: 01392 444523
Beware any fences and trees on approach. Slight upslope on the early part of 10 and 36
Extra caution is advised when landing on Runway 36. Turbulence and wind shear may be experienced over the trees on the approach to Runway 36, and also from the line of trees by the road to the right when the wind is Easterly. Pilots should pay special attention to the line of trees that have to be overflown approximately 50 metres before the airfield boundary. When last measured, they were about 11 metres (36 feet) above ground level and the approach path and landing point will have to be carefully considered in order to maintain safe clearance above the trees. This is likely to lead to an aiming point for touchdown that is well past the boundary and which will reduce the available landing distance
Telegraph wires run along the road close to the approach for Runway 28.
Farway Common is an unlicensed airfield. Various hazards exist on approach and departure. Watch for molehills, rabbit holes etc.
The above is for initial guidance only and to complement your own flight planning.
You can be assured of a warm welcome at Farway Common.